Re: [Fis] Econophysics

Re: [Fis] Econophysics

From: Pedro Marijuan <>
Date: Fri 10 Jun 2005 - 15:12:01 CEST

Dear colleagues,

It was quite interesting the experience that several fis parties have had
in the E-CAP 2005 conference organized by our colleague Gordana in Sweden
last week (among others, Soeren, Wolfgang, myself... were around). One of
the main conclusions of the conference, perhaps the central one, was the
recognition that developing a "philosophy of information" has become the
crucial item in the agenda of contemporary philosophy (literally!). Overall
in the conference, apart from the specific bioinformation/biosemiotic
track, there were a number of presentations about philosophical and other
social aspects of informational research. This deep philosophical interest
and convergence on information is indeed a stimulus for the advancement of
our own FIS 2005 themes in Paris.

A brief encapsulation about the responses I left pending last week, could
be that in general our interdisciplinary views are ill-prepared for the
unending "circulation of knowledge" that our time demands. For instance,
System Theory, like most other doctrines of the 60's, is caught within a
cul-de-sac, and one can hardly share any optimism eg, on "systems biology"
---as a leading physiologist, Carl Sundberg, put in the ECAP session, it is
classical physiology the real avenue for developing a systemic perspective
and not this new "grant-system" scheme devised for the sake of Leroy Hood,
H. Kitano and a few other big guys, with rather scant background... About
the discrepancy with Karl, it is very good news for any emerging field that
someone takes care for articulating complementary and alternative
explorations. My question to him (just another partitional curiosity I
have) would be on how could we translate a networked structure onto a
multidimensional partitional scheme. For instance, the addition of
successive social networks to compete about the "mail found in zaragoza"
(and the sudden withdrawal) could it be represented by changes in a
multidimensional partitional scheme and proyected into System M? Does
System M allows this kind of "pricing" cardinalization game out from a
networked structure? If this speculation has any cogency, Bob's ascendancy
may also appear in abstract partitional scenarios, and viceversa... (this
also relates to the econophysics comments of past days, but ratner than
"physics" it belongs more properly to an informational discipline I
think)... more about that in next week.

best regards


fis mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 10 15:08:31 2005

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