Re: [Fis] discussion stuff

From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Fri 20 Jun 2003 - 15:17:56 CEST

Dear colleagues,

It is really fine addressing fundamental 'tangents' (Ted) that anticipate
the coming discussion on molecular processes. (Let me remember the initial
idea: that gradually Shu Kun's themes on molecular recognition, similarity
and entropy will lead to Sergei's work on binary patterns of DNA ---the
discussion on symmetry and group theory overlapping both--- and then a
culminating discussion on info and the 'living particle': the animate
versus the inanimate, and the contemporary need of an info approach for the
understanding of life... About the tentative Calendar, there could be
close to one month for each partial aspect, with our usual vacations in
August. Suggestions are very welcome).

The discussion on music is still alive, at least for me. In a paper by PM
Gray et al., 'The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music' (Science, 291,
pp. 52-56, 2001) and a reply LB Briviesca on 'The Biology of Music'
(Science, 292, p. 2432, 2001) there are very good points about the Origins
of Music. Obviously, pretty close to my biological views. However, one has
to recognize big gaps in that direction. I think that previously we need a
deeper evolutionary understanding of 'emotions'... In the processing
mission of nervous systems, do we need to consider a
genoype-phenotype-ecotype (sociotype) informational integration? There
might be a very interesting non-mechanistic showcase about emotional
communication in human societies (music, laughter, crying) in the same
strategic orientation (versus the Shannonian) that Jerry was pointing out.

I find quite exciting all the recent posts: Jerry, Karl, Shu-Kun, Michael,
Gyuri... It is a pity one cannot discuss all the open lines at the same time!



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Received on Fri Jun 20 14:59:40 2003

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