:)) Is there any way out of this depression?

:)) Is there any way out of this depression?

From: lawrence wolley <dalialennox@webmastercandy.com>
Date: Wed 22 Sep 2004 - 12:59:55 CEST

to sleep in the open air, beneath the stars.

-----Original Message-----
From: darius jannusch [mailto:fis@kaneda.iguw.tuwien.ac.at]
To: lawrence wolley; douglass blanchette; quinton gadbaw; jody claudio;
maria montesa
Sent: Friday, November, 2004 7:49 AM
Subject: Is there any way out of this depression?

t_otal_ly US m'_ed-s o`rde'_ring experience, f-a^st, simple and reliable
service for m'~ed`s like Allegra, V^al_.ium, Xa,^na-x, s`om'a, Darvocet and
heaps m_or-e, check it

V`al'~ium will relieve the effects of anxiety on you and the relief will
bring you the confidence to waive the source of your anxiety.
babysitterne13absencerne05dagdr�mtdetentionslokalets borgene
Received on Wed Sep 22 12:36:54 2004

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