[Fis] Call for Papers ---6th International Triple Helix Conference, 16-18 May 2007, Singapore

[Fis] Call for Papers ---6th International Triple Helix Conference, 16-18 May 2007, Singapore

From: Loet Leydesdorff <loet@leydesdorff.net>
Date: Thu 20 Apr 2006 - 06:51:32 CEST



The 6th International Triple Helix Conference on
University-Government-Industry Links, Singapore, 16-18 May 2007

 The 6th Biennial International Triple Helix Conference on
University-Industry Government-Links will be held in Singapore from 16-18
May 2007 with the theme "Emerging Models for the Entrepreneurial University:
Regional Diversities or Global Convergence". The conference will be
organized by National University of Singapore (NUS) Enterprise in Singapore.
Past Triple-Helix conferences have been held in Amsterdam, New York, Rio de
Janeiro, Copenhagen/Lund, and Turin


Organized for the first time in Asia, Triple Helix VI 2007 will provide a
global forum for academic scholars from different disciplinary perspectives
as well as policy makers, university administrators and private sector
leaders from different countries to exchange and share new learning about
the diverse emerging models of the entrepreneurial university, the changing
dynamics of University-Industry-Government interactions around the world and
the complex roles of the university in local, regional and national economic


We invite scholarly paper contributions that seek to advance over
understanding of the dynamics of University-Industry-Government interactions
in general and the emerging entrepreneurial university models in particular.
We also welcome practitioner-oriented contributions that provide insights on
new policy innovations and share knowledge on practices, as well as
proposals for workshops and poster presentations that contribute to
promoting exchange and dialogues on how universities in the 21st century can
better cope with the challenges of globalizations while serving local and
regional goals.

We invite submissions of extended abstracts in the following categories:
.doc> Papers for presentation in Parallel Sessions
.doc> Papers for Workshop Sessions
.doc> Poster presentations

Papers and poster presentations will be selected based on abstract
submissions which should be of a maximum length of two pages including
figures and references.

Authors of accepted abstract will be required to submit their full papers /
poster abstracts according to the submission guidelines which are available
in the conference website. Authors of the best papers presented at the
conference will be invited to submit their contributions to a number of
special issues of relevant international journals.


For more details on the conference sub-themes and paper submission
procedures and guidelines, please visit <http://www.triplehelix6.com/>

You can also direct any logistics-related query you may have about the
conference to organizing chair (infotriplehelix6@nus.edu.sg).

Queries related to abstract/paper submissions and the conference theme can
be directed to the organizing chair (papertriplehelix6@nus.edu.sg).



Online submission of abstract Opening Date 1 September 2006


Last Date for online abstract submission 8 January


Notification of Acceptance
16 February 2007


Full paper submission Due Date 16
April 2007

- Papers
- Workshop papers


Poster Extended Abstracts submission Due Date 30 April 2007


End of Special Rate Registration for Conference 9 March 2007



Your kind help in disseminating this call for papers to interested
colleagues is greatly appreciated. In particular, we would like to encourage
doctoral students to participate in this conference.


Thank you and best regards,

Poh-Kam Wong

Chair, Organizing Committee

Assoc. Prof. WONG, Poh Kam, PhD (MIT)

Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre ( <http://www.nus.edu.sg/nec>

10 Kent Ridge Crescent, E3A Level 6, Singapore 119260

Tel. 65-6516-6323

Email: pohkam@nus.edu.sg

Location: http://www.nus.edu.sg/nec/location/location.htm

Personal CV: http://www.bschool.nus.edu.sg/staff_profile/cv.asp?ID=174




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