PEDRO writes: - snip...
> .... Maybe a
> mature info science would be able to provide meaningful anticipations on
> social, cultural, political, and environmental concerns within a coherent
> perspective from the two sides. But right now within FIS we may be
> suffering pretty much the same gap than the infamous historical breach
> between natural and social science camps... Am I too wrong?
> all the best
> Pedro
CCHRISTIAN writes: - snip..
>Whenever people
>enter social relationships, an information relationship is established,
>messages, codes, symbols etc. are exchanged. Social information is also an
>objective, reflective social relationship: If actors communicate,
>information exists as an objective relationship between them and this
>relationship involves reflection. Reflection (Widerspiegelung) doesn't mean
Dear Pedro, dear Christian, dear FIS'ers
I think you are damn right. The question is how to see it from more than
just the "two sides" and start to discuss new approaches bringing not only
sciences and sectors, but also "signs" in the sense of Peirce (which I
mentioned in my 5 cents).
May I recommed?:
or the new piece we presented at the FRANKFURT BOOKFAIR in conjuction with
If you dare to even take one more step, then you might come to a new book by
GIESECKE on the myth of book culture and the Info-Age. (Suhrkamp-Verlag)
Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft -
Trendforschungen zur historischen Medienökologie. [Info]
Kommunikative Sozialforschung - Hypertexteinführung in die Methoden der
kommunikativen Erforschung interpersoneller Kommunikation.
CD-ROM und Website im Rahmen des
Projekts 'Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der
We see featured in 06 Dialog - Kommunikation im Zeitalter der Medienökologie
embodied (leibliche) Communication.
"Der Dialog als Zelle einer ökologischen Kommunikationskultur (cultural
vision) nutzt die Gesamtheit der leiblichen Ausdrucksmedien."
which leads us to new forms of dialogue and expression and synthesis
(subsuming and resonnance) if you want. Maybe you like in thsi context
building site. A site ASILOMAR / FUSCHL / IFSR - ISSS- ISI) or annual
forum were
the NEW AGORA was our theme his summer:
( I cc Christian and Guenther LINZ and Klagenfurt for their information)
with the same icons the broader issues and challenge was covered in the IFSR
Newsletter as A report from ASILOMAR - maybe this is also a way to enter the
Michael Giesecke also works with
Theater and Art and the Mozarteum or around Medizin and BALINTGRUPPEN - only
to give idea that we mean all the senses and signs... and do not try to
avoid the social / human dimensions.
If you want you might also enjoy:
so see it from more sides we build on Hellmuth PLESSNER and his "exzentric
positionality" - If you want to dig deeper and involve and even base on fields
such as "Ekistics" - let me know.
I take the liberty to also CC Prof Giesecke / Univ. Erfurt
He might be able to provide some english texts to teh matter.
What I in particular refer to is what use uses as SOURCE Material, one of
many possible example of what we coul mean by and include in "embodied
-- my up-dated "background" and "outlooks" at: "Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit dem Radius Null und das nennen sie dann ihen Standpunkt" Quelle: wird gesucht ! +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!Received on Mon Nov 18 15:05:02 2002
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