25 Nov 2002 14:18:57 +0100 (MET)
Sender: fis@listas.unizar.es
From: "Pedro C. Marijuán" <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
To: Multiple recipients of list FIS <fis@listas.unizar.es>
Dear FISers
Several people from very different countries have subscribed the fis
list during recent weeks: Italy, Nepal, France, Brasil... They are
invited to enter into the ongoing discussions whenever they wish (a
self-introduction of just two lines is enough). Any message addressed
from their particular subscription address to fis@listas.unizar.es
will directly arrive to all members. A courtesy rule that fis members
('FISers') are expected to follow is not to post more than two
messages per week --although we are tolerant with those suffering CPD
bouts (Compulsive Posting Disorder)
Pedro (coordinator of the fis list)
Dear FIS colleagues.
Humbly and honestly and also vice versa I apologize for posting eight
messages from 17 November till yesterday which is quite a lot of the
two that I had accepted, but forgotten.
Though I could refuge myself in the tolerance offered to those
suffering CPD bouts (Compulsive Posting Disorder) I cannot because it
would a wrong use of the rules (INFORMATION) established.
However, I dare only to argue that I suffered many years (in México
city till 1991) the effects of partial and false information diffused
as being absolutely right which motivated me to work hard and to be
definitely disappointed at the end. Besides during my stay in Austria
I have employed most of my time to study the compulsive GLOBALIZATION
and to realize that the happenings in the Mexican environment are
only an example or symptom of the serious illness that suffers
humankind due to the wrong, dishonest and unethical ways employed for
dissemination of information
Anyhow I know now that I must discover what syndrome causes me to
forget communal regulations and search whether I still may heal my
mind perhaps bearing in mind that tolerance may be finite.
After all at least for the time being I ask all of you to accept my
apologies for any inconvenience my eight messages had caused to your
ps. I hope I can manage to post this weekend the conclusion of my reflection
-- elohimjlReceived on Tue Nov 26 13:12:01 2002
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