Dear FISers
Several people from very different countries have subscribed the fis list
during recent weeks: Italy, Nepal, France, Brasil... They are invited to
enter into the ongoing discussions whenever they wish (a self-introduction
of just two lines is enough). Any message addressed from their particular
subscription address to will directly arrive to all
members. A courtesy rule that fis members ('FISers') are expected to follow
is not to post more than two messages per week --although we are tolerant
with those suffering CPD bouts (Compulsive Posting Disorder).
For those willing to have a glance on the contents and style of past
discussions, there is a fis home site with an 'Archive' section that
contains close to 900 messages exchanged during the last five years. They
can be accessed by date, author, and subject, at the address:
The site has been improved recently (an engrave from Escher
included). The person in charge of the site is Rey Abe, of Wolfgang's
research team. We have arranged that the 'Resources' section may admit
papers (a maximum of 3 per person) and very brief research profiles from
FIS members. So you may send Rey the stuff to be placed there under your
name to be accessed publicly. His address is:
(Please, never send attached documents to the current discussion list--it
is only for mail messages). And feel free to send to Rey or to me your
ideas on how to improve the fis site.
Currently we are holding the penultimate session, chaired by Wolfgang
Hofkirchner, of the FIS2002 electronic conference. See the contributing
papers at: Around the first or second week of
December we will start the final session, chaired by Ted Goranson. At its
end, around the beginning of new year, we might have a round of comments on
FIS FUTURES, and later on some new discussion-sessions might be organized...
Thanks for the attention!
(coordinator of the fis list)
Received on Mon Nov 25 14:23:19 2002
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