Re: It is with great regret...

From: Norbert Fenzl <>
Date: Thu 17 Jun 1999 - 12:34:22 CEST

Dear Judith and Jefferson,
I am profoundly touched by your information. Tom was one of the most
brillant espirits I had the oportunity to meet in my life and he had great
influence on my way of thinking..
With deep respect
norbert fenzl

>Dear Friend;
>It is with regret that I inform you that my father, Tom Stonier, died on
>June 15th after a long bout with cancer.
>There will be a memorial service on Sunday June 20th at 2:00pm in the First
>Congregational Church of South Egremont, MA (on route 23).
>Instead of sending flowers my father would appreciate having you make a
>donation to "Amnesty International" or "Medicines sans frontieres" or any
>other charity which deserves your support.
>Jefferson Stonier (son)
>Judith (Tom's wife) will continue to check this email address for those
>that wish to communicate with her.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Fenzl
N�cleo de Meio Ambiente NUMA
Universidade Federal do Para
Campus Guama - Bel�m - Para
fone/fax: ++55 91 211.1772
Received on Thu Jun 17 14:58:30 1999

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