Dear FISers,
We start a new moderation period, now coordinated by Wolfang until the end
of April. His personal preference is that the three confrence chairs
(Koichiro, Peter, John) join in the task, so as to gradually focus in the
conference main themes --emerging from the abstracts presented...
best wishes
PS: Many thanks to John Holgate for his presentation (being a profane about
deixis, I was asking myself whether the 'Here Now and I' experience in
natural language could be meaningfully translated in information terms
without further neuroscientific, integrative developments about the
action-perception cycle, ecological psychology, attentional dynamics,
consciousness nature, etc.?)
Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Fri Mar 1 14:57:20 2002
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