[Fis] CfP: tripleC (http://triplec.uti.at)

[Fis] CfP: tripleC (http://triplec.uti.at)

From: Fuchs, Christian <Christian.Fuchs@sbg.ac.at>
Date: Thu 17 Nov 2005 - 16:21:41 CET

Dear FIS colleagues, Dear participants of the Paris FIS conference 2005,

The journal "tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-operation"
(http://triplec.uti.at) is issuing a Call for Papers open for FIS

The papers submitted should concentrate on FIS-topics, they should be
original, unpublished articles that are not considered for publication or
reviewing by other journals or publishers.

Submissions can done online by making use of our electronic submission form
@ http://triplec.uti.at/PRS/new_article.php?time_to_save=1

tripleC is an open access peer-reviewed online journal for the foundations
of information science. Its aims & scope are:

1. to provide a forum to discuss the challenges humanity is facing today; to
promote contributions within an emerging science of the information age
* that helps shape technology for a sustainable global information society
* dealing with cognition, communication and co-operation processes in human,
artificial, and natural systems,
*making use of cross-disciplinary methods bridging the gap between "hard"
and "soft" science;
2. to make available articles ranging from philosophy, through evolutionary
systems thinking to information science, including physical info-dynamics
through bio-information studies to information society research, from
cognitive science through communication studies to inquiries into
co-operation, from semiotics through the science of collective intelligence
to information technology research, and from science-technology-society to
social technology and informatics.

Univ.Ass. Dr. Christian Fuchs
Assistant Professor for Internet & Society
ICT&S Center - Advanced Studies and Research in
Information and Communication Technologies & Society
University of Salzburg
Sigmund Haffner-Gasse 18
A-5020 Salzburg
Phone +43 0662 8044 4823
Fax +43 0662 6389 4800
Information-Society-Technology: http://cartoon.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/christian/
Managing Editor of tripleC - Cognition Communication Co-operation
Open Access Online Journal for the Foundations of Information Science

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Received on Thu Nov 17 16:16:10 2005

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