Re: Info War / the technology of the lie

From: Bob Artigiani <>
Date: Mon 09 Nov 1998 - 20:35:48 CET

>>> goppold <> 11/05 5:28 AM >>>
Gottfried Stockinger

> But lie does not come out of media. That is as if one would say that
> the sound-waves are responsible for telling the untruth.

McLuhan would have said to this: 'the medium is the massage'

>>>Actually, it was Arthur Schlessinger, jr

in my email:
"Cultural Anthropology, ERT, and Semiotics"
I have referred to more details of "lies and media" and
ethnocentric perceptive syndroms.
the problems are indeed hidden very deep down
'in the nooks of granny'.
unfortunately, since the scientific discourse is in the CA
view also a form of 'ethnocentrism' it is by Goedelian
standards very hard to lead a meta-discourse from within
the scientific framework.

> the sound-waves are responsible for telling the untruth.

for this I refer to Plato's seventh letter: it is indeed
very difficult to translate a mental representation/image
that I entertain in my own consciousness,
into sound waves (and then into alphabetic representation)
and I seem to have a very hard time coming across with some
of my views.
(as Pedro will probably agree, since I have discussed this
problem more in depth with him.)

So, while there is no 'intentional deception' involved, the
media are surely a very procrustean device for getting
more subtle issues communicated. this is one of the
pitfalls of western logocentric (word-based) discourses.

> Do you really thing that people(s) did not grow up sufficently having
> learned the lectures of the past?
> Are we really unable to create new media, that means: new > communication

well, it seems that there is some learning... to be sure.
IMO the west has thrown overboard a lot of
REALLY OLD 'means of communication'
that the so called 'primitives' have still available. since
in about 20 years, the last of those 'primitives' will have
disappeared from the face of this planet, we must be in a terrific
hurry, to learn from them what our own tradition has discarded...
again, I am referring to Dolores LaChapelle.

Mihai Nadin: "The civilization of illiteracy" is also recommended.

Andreas Goppold 
c/o FAW Ulm, Postf. 2060, D-89010 Ulm , Germany
Tel. ++49 +731 501-8757/ -915 , Fax: +731 501-929
Received on Tue Nov 10 12:21:20 1998

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