In light of the recent discussion, I thought there might be interest
in this conference:
Beyond Mimesis and Nominalism: Representation in Art and Science
Two-day conference in London, 22-23 June 2006
Deadline for Submissions: 1 March 2006
Keynote speakers: Catherine Elgin (Harvard University), James Elkins
(School of the Art Institute of Chicago/University College Cork,
Ireland) and John Hyman (University of Oxford)
Organisers: Roman Frigg (LSE) and Matthew Hunter (Courtauld Institute
of Art/University of Chicago)
Programme committee: Peter Ainsworth (LSE), Roman Frigg (LSE),
Matthew Hunter (Courtauld Institute of Art/University of Chicago),
Elisabeth Schellekens (King's College London), Christine Stevenson
(Courtauld Institute of Art), and Sabine Wieber (Birkbeck College London)
Springer Publishers has shown interest, and by agreement with
individual authors, the conference organizers will be submitting
edited versions of selected papers for possible publication in
Springer's philosophy programme.
Representations play a critical role in both science and art.
Perceived as different in kind, artistic and scientific
representations have been studied as objects of distinct disciplinary
and intellectual traditions. However, recent work in both the
philosophy of science and studies of the visual arts suggests that
these apparently different representational traditions may be related
in challenging and provocative ways. "Beyond Mimesis and Nominalism,"
a conference co-sponsored by the Courtauld Institute of Art Research
Forum, the London School of Economics, and the Institute of
Philosophy of the University of London, seeks to open conversations
between and beyond these compartmentalized traditions of thinking
about representation.
According to dominant accounts, scientific representation is
explained by appeal to mimetic relationships such as similarity or
formal relations like isomorphism. As these views have been subjected
to increasing criticisms, recent approaches to scientific
representation have begun to draw upon analogies with artistic
representation. Significantly, parts of this emergent literature have
turned to a "nominalist" position, not unlike that advocated by
Nelson Goodman in his writings on representation in art.
But, a similar turn is already apparent within studies of visual art,
where scientific representations are increasingly integrated into the
analysis of art. Like their colleagues in the philosophy of science,
recent scholars in the visual arts have seen Goodman's work as an
important point of engagement. His pioneering work on the visual has
informed recent efforts to expand semantic taxonomies and to analyze
the increasing field of images that fall outside classification as
"art." As this work has received important contribution from scholars
concerned with scientific imaging, the project of rethinking
representation is one of growing general importance to art-historical
studies, whose interpretative scope has expanded dramatically outward
in recent decades.
In order to press this emergent interdisciplinary conversation,
scholars from all disciplines are invited to submit papers to this
two-day international conference. We particularly seek submissions
that explore the "how" of representation-papers that can enrich our
understanding of the techniques employed in scientific representation
and/or address their semantic structures or historical convergences
with artistic practices - and vice versa. Also especially encouraged
are papers that critique, historicize or defend the conference's
central terms of mimesis and nominalism, or offer approaches to
representations that navigate a middle course between them.
Please send extended abstracts of up to 1000 words to by 1 March 2006. Decisions will be made by 1 April.
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Received on Fri Feb 17 09:17:10 2006