Dear colleagues,
Please, remember that before the end of next month the participants in the
fis e-conf. have to inscribe themselves in the web pages and also send a
brief abstract --fis members will be accepted automatically as a matter of
fact. In the interim we could return to the previous exchanges on
preconference positions (let us keep the rule of two messages per week as a
moderation scheme, maybe it will allow more careful explorations).
..And so, a few months ago, a message from Allan brought back the topic of
the three info genera. It is not difficult to see that these constitutive,
generative and communicational info aspects do dovetail with major new
fields of contemporary "bioinfology": proteomics (protein networks),
genomics, and signaling science... Maybe, with our discussions on a general
level, we are paralleling fundamental exploratory avenues of today´s
biology that are densely interrelated among themselves, and plagued of
conceptual gaps. Combining both levels of general & particular scientific
discussion on these matters among ourselves could be quite an interesting
experience. Either before or after the conference let us attempt some
convergence on Info and the living cell...
Given that the coming WESS dinner with James Barham in Washington will deal
on germane topics, hopefully the fis list will receive some interesting "in
vivo" messages during the event...
best regards
Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Fri Jan 25 14:57:50 2002
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