[Fis]: Economic (& social) networks

[Fis]: Economic (& social) networks

From: James N Rose <integrity@ceptualinstitute.com>
Date: Mon 16 May 2005 - 15:58:57 CEST

"Eco-Gnomics : supply and demand in the real gaian world".
   ISSS-TORONTO July 15~23, 2000.

Theme: inter-tier entropy/complexity relations are clearly not evaluable
   by traditional thermodynamic 'conservation/distribution' of assets,
   nor by the initially new mathematics of Prigogine complexity.
   Since 'systemic complexity' involves emergence, the math steps beyond
   assets balancing during (re)distributions. Financial and material
   exchange includes entropic expansion of virtual/sufficiant title
   rights over-and-to given assets. THis makes for new relations not
   subject to traditional mathematical treatments but to new socially
   interdynamic ones. And it is the control of asset decision-rights
   that rests at the heart of public/global economic dynamics; including
   rights to access any accruable/eventual benefits.

   The laws of supply/demand are surmounted by laws which limit or
   expand access to property/action rights.

   This is the clearer 'systemic consideration' of economics.

"The Integrity Paradigm: Philosophy and Applications
                         of Systems Dynamics & Behaviors"
  August 25-28, 1998, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Theme: systemic health and viability rests on diversity (systemic
   entropic enlargement of action potentials within an organization).
   Paper sub-topic: inter-tier interest rates vs economic vitality;
   expand assets-access rights improves a society.

---for your consideration in the current converation.

Jamie Rose
Ceptual Institute

fis mailing list
Received on Mon May 16 15:59:15 2005

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