Re: opinions vs knowledge

From: Fenzl Norbert <>
Date: Thu 29 Aug 2002 - 14:21:35 CEST

Dear Edwina,
I liked your comment, especially because it comes from a lady. It is
absolutely true that these kind of position has an obvious taste of
"racism", because if we want a new and better world, certainly this has to
be achieved in a very cooperative way between men and women of all races and
cultures. And certainly the first thing to do is to be aware against all
kind of ideologies and thinkings, based on the assumption that certain human
groups are better than others.
But there is a point I often thought about. Actually we really live in
deeply men dominated world, and so far I think that an equilibrium of gender
in all the different cultures to share real social and economic power, is an
important step to a better world. But, obviously this is also true between
the different cultures, races and especially social classes, and cannot be
reduced to a gender issue.
In a certain way I would like to assume an optimistic position and hope that
"Information Society" - understood as a "more informed" society - will be an
important step to such a "better world".
So, lets get back to the "hard core" discussion about Information :-)
best wishes

> Thanks for your comments on the ladies strike message, Edwina. For your
> information, this list follows a conceptual 'laissez faire' policy. Any
> FISer's message about matters of scientific, intellectual or social
> interest is very welcome. Of course, this applies to your criticisms too
> (although personally I see them uninteresting).
> Well, we are getting close to the vacations end. Let us think on having
> great discussions in this new period as we had in the first one.
> all the best
> Pedro
Received on Thu Aug 29 14:22:14 2002

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