[Fis] Courageous researchers are urgently needed

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Fri 13 Jun 2003 - 15:25:28 CEST

May scientific researchers help humans to be better aware of the kind
of reality that humans have, though unconsciously, built. May
scientific research help humans to organize actions that may help our
species to survive longer?

Time is getting shorter and shorter

>In a message to ISSS (issues) dated 06/12/03 pwerbos@nsf.gov writes:
>> 06/11/2003 Thommandel@aol.com wrote:
>>>It is a sad day when we use Bush as an example of intuition-in-action.
>>It is indeed a sad reality that intuition in action is not always enough
>>to lead to correct action. That's the point.
>>In fact --
>>Osama Bin Laden does not adhere to the mechanistic world view either.
>>He and his friend Omar would say that their actions were guided by intuition
>>and divine inspiration.
>>Clearly that by itself is not enough. It is obvious that it has its limits.
>>Those who wish to rely more on intuition logically need to
>>understand and assess
>>those limits, in order to avoid going off the deep end.
>If we were given all the facts concerning 911 maybe we would be able
>to make a better judgement about whether or not his intuition was
>wrong or right. But even if his intuition was correct, America was
>not correct by invading another country without a declaration of war
>by congress. What Bush did is bypass the law. This war was not
>fought under the law, and no evidence either way will change that.
>It is very difficult sometimes to tell intuition apart from thinking
>we are right because we think we are right, or whatever, so I always
>look for second opinions so to speak. Bush should have paid more
>attention to the space craft showering down on his head right after
>his big speech. But my point was that I don't think he was relying
>on intuition at all, I think he had a clear cut plan all figured out
>and it isn't what he says it is. I don't think he paid any attention
>to his intuition at all. Remember when you said we should/could
>assume he is sincere? While it is noble of you to assume that, I
>don't think he ever was sincere.
>There is a book of all the items Iraq purchased before the
>sanctions. It is the size of a phone book, the article said. It
>shows anthrax being shipped from a building just two blocks away
>from a military installation. Bush knows what he had because we sold
>it to him.

John Collier (collierj@nu.ac.za) used to quote

I've found the link between apes and civilised men - it's us.
                         -- Konrad Lorenz

Intuition in Action and Divine Inspiration are simply words that
intend to justify the civilizing trends that keep changing our
magnificent World. It is the idealized homosphere that most
researchers, experts and scholars are interested to deal with. The
World during the last century until today has changed a lot - less
for better and a lot more for worse - but allowing for a gross
simplification the improvements are rarely due to scientific
knowledge, nor to technological and methodological innovations.

The prevailing civilization is the culmination of the adventure that
started around 6 millennia ago.

"...Reason does not automatically lead to a solution of the human
problem and, by and large , has little influence in the sanguinary
course of human history, was the disappointing discovery of our time"
Bertalanffy 1967

In the year 2003 "The biggest threat to your home, your health, your
family, your freedom and your future now come from America. America
is a real and present danger: a very real and very serious threat to
world peace. ... Most Americans think they are fighting terrorists.

Vernon Coleman has written "Rogue Nation" for helping to comprehend
how the world has become increasingly dangerous being managed by
means of irresponsible decision-making supported by adaptable masses
through an increasing corrupted opportunism leading to nowhere.

* It is a popular misconception that America declared war on Germany.
The Americans only came into World War II because Germany declared
war on them (Page 20)

* In the 111 years between 1890 and 2001, the USA began 134 wars
around the world. The wars were started to 'protect American
interests overseas'(Page 163)

* The USA has 30,000 tons of chemical weapons. And the USA has
consistently refused to support any UN initiative that would ban the
development of biological and chemical weapons (Page 184)

* The Americans have withdrawn from the Geneva Convention (Page 156).

* America has introduced a first strike policy --giving itself the
right to start wars whenever it feels like it (Page 159)

* The USA is the only country in the world to have ever used nuclear
and chemical weapons (Page 99)

* America has violated nuclear weapons treaties (Page 72)

* Find out why a permanent war has now become a common necessity (Page 84)

* Learn why American arms factories manufacture land-mines
specifically intended to maim small children (Page 72)
Received on Mon Jun 16 10:23:53 2003

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