Michael said:
>I accept, Bob, that the H formulation may also depict a ěstatistical
>entropyî which might both increase or decrease with time. But Iím sure
>that the information carried by a bounded, isolated, physical system,
>and described by the formula H, never increases. Thatís one of Shannonís
>conclusions for electrical signals on a telegraph cable, also. If the
>cable is noisy, some information is lost between the sender and
>receiver, but thereís never more information delivered than was
>originally sent.
SS: I think that it is of some interest to note where H must
increase. This is because any entropy ought to have the property of
necessary increase under some circumstances. Physcal entropy (S) must
increase in any thermodynamically isolated system. Informational
(statistical) entropy (H) must increase in any expanding or growing system.
As well, I believe I have demonstrated that H must increase in the
environment of a system that is learning about its environment -- because
that system's attempts to learn generate perturbations which percolate
through the environment and eventually return to the locale of the
Incidentaly, I agee with Bob that one ought to rigorously distinguish
information (I) from informational entropy (H). Information is a reduction
in H (Brillouin's Negentropy Principle of Information -- NPI).
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Received on Tue May 11 21:36:24 2004
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