[Fis] posting in the list

[Fis] posting in the list

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Fri 27 Oct 2006 - 11:53:32 CEST


these days some of you are having difficulties to post in the list. Please,
be patient. We are receiving in this server lots and lots of spam (in my
own account around 200 each day) and I can do nothing with the computing
management about lowering the filters. Well, if your message is repeatedly
rejected, what you can do is ask anyone else to introduce it, or send it to
me (and I will automatically re-enter it). It is understandable the sense
of urgency, but we try Fis to be a quiet, reflective list, where messages
can be posted today, or tomorrow...



PS. By the way, Joseph Tainter (author of "The collapse of complex
societies") has agreed to chair a fis session on "Social Complexity" around
beginnings of December. Thanks are due to Igor Matutinovic for his kind
help in the preparation of this session.

fis mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 27 11:44:13 2006

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