[Fis] Paris Paper's Preface

[Fis] Paris Paper's Preface

From: Ted Goranson <tedg@alum.mit.edu>
Date: Fri 24 Jun 2005 - 08:19:27 CEST


I am looking forward to the meeting next week in Paris and am working
on finalizing my paper, which has turned into a huge project. It
scans the FIS email list since '97 for all ideas leverageable toward
a new science and proposes a selection and framework for same.

The purpose of the paper is to promote discussion toward a more
focused Phase 2 effort. I expect to put it on-line, linking to the
original emails and expect to do no more in Paris than indicate its
rough shape.

Alas, I am the last speaker on the last day. If normal European
timekeeping is used (and previous FIS meetings are indicators) my
available time could be brief.

Therefore, I have posted the slides that preface the paper.

You can download them in one of two forms:

The PDF version has the advantage of having some printed notes affixed.

The Quicktime movie has the advantage of being "playable." Clicking a
slide advances it; clicking underlined text navigates to elsewhere in
the slides. The movie is available in two or three sizes, depending
on your bandwidth.

They should be downloadable from:


Best, Ted

Ted Goranson
Advanced Enterprise Research Office
fis mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 24 08:17:25 2005

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