Fw: pain m.ed_.ica_tion shipped to your door

Fw: pain m.ed_.ica_tion shipped to your door

From: ron dandrea <krystahidalgo@pekklemail.com>
Date: Sat 11 Sep 2004 - 18:56:56 CEST

includepath c^redit-squeeze york-cunynietzches or-miss

While you talk to a person who is in pain, you feel the pain for his pain.
That is why we process the o~rde`'r and del-i`ver it to the customers as
f~a^st as we can.

go to our site for m,or'e in_`form^,ation, so we can help you with all your
pr.esc.rip,t'ion n^e~eds. http://i.o.trytrythisrx.net

The old lady couldn't resist her longing to see her nephew, for she had met
Laurie as she took her airing, and hearing of Mr. March's arrival, drove
straight out to see him. The family were all busy in the back part of the
h~ou.se, and she had made her way quietly in, hoping to surprise them. She
did surprise two of them so much that Meg started as if she had seen a
ghost, and Mr. Brooke vanished into the study. "Bless me, what's all this?"
cried the old lady with a rap of her cane as she glanced from the pale
y.ou`ng gentleman to the scarlet y,ou'ng lady. "It's Father's friend. I'm so
surprised to see you!" stammered Meg, would say."

-----Original Message-----
From: Dusti Porter [mailto:e@eyqrn.com]
To: lincoln urbanic; vito magnuson; refugio ossowski; vance farrington;
cedric gallant
Sent: Wednesday, November, 2004 4:03 AM
Subject: pain m^ed`.ica`tion shipped to your door

the key, --turning it into a little puzzle BOX.
surrounded by debris from a party, paper plates, empty champagne bottle
(INT./NIGHT) ...
zwroci 15zwyczajnego02ziemskiegoskrucha supertajnym
Received on Sat Sep 11 16:16:19 2004

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