Fw: rx informati0n

Fw: rx informati0n

From: luke bellipanni <andriagarden@whitneyhoustonfan.com>
Date: Tue 24 Aug 2004 - 18:03:33 CEST

Have you a factory in this place? asked the Wizard, who had been examining
the strange personage carefully

-----Original Message-----
From: Genny Harris [mailto:oqjpsxiil@piwj.com]
To: fritz wehnes; donald ruggle; john bourque; morris bichsel
Sent: Wednesday, February, 2004 8:06 PM
Subject: rx informati0n

It is like yearly sales always. There are specials on dar^von, Zyrtec,
Allegra, Lipitor and all the m"^"eds listed.

I am good at finding bargains. But your site is actually referred to me by
an old fri'end. Satisfied with both the 0rders and the service. You are one
of the best-bvy sites for me. ---Julia S. SD
remordedora 60 castillete 02 fallecedoravarar tapizar
Received on Tue Aug 24 04:08:28 2004

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