[Fis] Anthropologist for European Study on Mirror Neurons

[Fis] Anthropologist for European Study on Mirror Neurons

From: by way of Pedro Marijuan <crmenant@free.fr>
Date: Thu 03 Nov 2005 - 17:18:03 CET

(FIS colleagues ---- this request below from Christophe is very interesting
in itself, and also the web address it contains on European adventure
projects, on tackling complexity, etc. We might consider some fis
applications: ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/nest/docs/ ---Pedro)

Hi Pedro,
It happens that I am currently in the process of building up a team for a
European proposal regarding a study on Mirror Neurons vs Human nature (1). We
are looking for a comptenece on anthropology for joining the team. This person
will be in charge of putting together the current knowledge about presence of
MNs in primates, mamals and (possibly) other animals vs evolution.
Would you know about someone that could be interested ?
Some details on the requirement:
- European anthropologist (or evolutionist) belonging to a
university, research
institute or enterprise. Knowledge on MNs thru species.
- Overall duration of activity: about one year. Funded by European
Community for
corresponding work.
Purpose of study is to have analyzed current status of knowledge and propose
possible future research areas. If proposal is accepted, work to begin in
Thanks in advance for your help.
Feel free to post this request on our FIS forum as needed.
All the best .


(1) Specific Support Action, part of "What it means to be Human":
Received on Thu Nov 3 17:14:13 2005

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