dear colleagues and friends,
i'd like to bring the following announcement to your attention:
my virtual research group is just starting a new e-journal for
cognition-communication-co-operation. by that we want to offer
publication possibilities in a field that aims at bridging gaps
between traditional disciplines, driven by an impetus to focus at the
challenges of the information age. have a look at
the access will be free of charge. the first issue will be online
before the second half of this year.
contributions are welcome! submission details on the website.
with warm regards,
wolfgang hofkirchner
institute of design and technology assessment
vienna university of technology
favoritenstrasse 9
a-1040 vienna
FON **431-58801-187-33
FAX **431-58801-187-97
Received on Mon Jan 20 16:06:27 2003
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