Re: [Fis] QI questions

Re: [Fis] QI questions

From: Viktoras Didziulis <>
Date: Wed 17 May 2006 - 16:20:08 CEST

There is a "well known" quantum eraser experiment: two entangled laser beams

Each pass through own double slits forming two separate interference
Patterns. When one beam is "observed" by changing its polarization, the
Interference pattern of the other entangled beam disappears... There are
Plenty of references and images on it online, still no one is so keen to
Present at least an mpeg of the experiment so we can see it at work. Or is
It somewhere available?
Hopefully recent Toshiba's invention of LEDs that emits entangled beams
Should make experiments on light entanglement easier and not so expensive
(laser and beta-barium borate are not needed anymore).
Here is the reference:
Best wishes
fis mailing list
Received on Wed May 17 16:22:12 2006

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