Dear, Pedro, All
I would consider art having a meaning for our right half of a brain that is
not necessarily described in terms of the left one.
To find a meaning of art we should first know a meaning of aesthetics,
meaning of feelings, etc... Those are not necessarily described in words or
numbers because words, numbers are not the only means of communication. I
would even doubt if we humans have names for every and any feeling we
experience... In case of the art we probably have to look deeper into a
world of archetypes and the subconscious part of our selves. There a single
symbol, simple melody or rhythm can initiate relatively much more complex
processes and information turnover. If a certain melody awakens some
feelings in our right hemisphere (speaking simplistically) then our brains
start to look for past experiences, words and events and any other available
information that is associated with this feeling and stored in the left
hemisphere. It is like the butterfly of the Chaos theory - just a small
change (melody, symbol, in this case) creates a causal chain of events based
on our experiences with much greater consequences than just hearing a sound
or seeing a shape and a color. In general I would think this is a property
of any meaningful information - small change - initiates much bigger changes
in terms of relative energy, matter and information turnovers. Or if to
rephrase the famous quote of Bateson- meaningful information " a change
that makes change". Try to remove or change some smallest parts of the DNR
and one might get a monster from a chicken, add a neutron to a nucleus of
Hydrogen atom and it wount be able to maintain life...
Best regards
-------Original Message-------
From: "Pedro C. Marijuán"
Date: 2004 m. vasaris 10 d. 01:09:19
Subject: Re: [Fis] Meaning of music?
>And what about other forms of art (painting, sculpture, poetry...)?
Prenez un mot prenez-en deux
faites cuire comme des ouefs
prenez un petit bout de sens
puis un grand morceaux d'innoncence
faites chauffer à petit feu
au petit feu de la technique
versez la sauce énigmatique
saupoudrez de quelques étoiles
poivrez et puis mettez les voiles
où voulez-vous donc en venir?
A écrire
vraiment? à ecrire?
Raymond Queneau ("Pour un art poétique")
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Received on Tue Feb 10 13:12:29 2004
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