[Fis] Turning around?

From: Luis Serra <serra@unizar.es>
Date: Mon 15 Dec 2003 - 11:13:28 CET

Dear All,

Since we started this discussion on Economical Ecologics and Information we
have dealt several aspects of sustainability. As Jerry said in the
beginning of this session "this is a vast topic", and in agreement with
Enzo (I liked very much his last posting), we have just dealt a little part
of the sustainability problem.
We have presented very interesting topics and contributions in our postings
(more than 30, in average one per day). However, I feel that after several
weeks we are just in the very beginning of our discussion. Do you agree
with me?

In the book "The Hidden Connections" (Fritjof Capra) I found this weekend a
very interesting idea that maybe can explain why we are turning around the
problem of sustainability without being able of analyzing it in deep.
Capra says that the fundamental organizational principles of ecosystems,
which represent the key aspect of sustainability, are the same for all
living beings. Thus, the build up of sustainable organizations and
societies requires the understanding of processes of change occurring in
ecosystems. In this way human beings will be able of creating and designing
organizational processes that in some extent could contain some features
(adaptation, diversity and creativity) of life organization. He claims that
the understanding of human organizations as living beings is one of the
fundamental challenges of our time.

Best regards


fis mailing list
Received on Mon Dec 15 11:16:18 2003

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