[Fis] bioinformation and entropy

From: Michel Petitjean <ptitjean@itodys.jussieu.fr>
Date: Wed 05 May 2004 - 11:21:12 CEST

To: <fis@listas.unizar.es>
Subject: [Fis] bioinformation and entropy

Dear Pedro, dear FISers,

The most recent messages in the forum lead us to evoke the
relations between bioinformation and entropy.
Although I have a basic idea of what is bioinformatics,
I do not know how is defined bioinformation.
Could you help us, Pedro ?

Michel Petitjean Email: petitjean@itodys.jussieu.fr
Editor-in-Chief of Entropy entropy@mdpi.org
ITODYS (CNRS, UMR 7086) ptitjean@ccr.jussieu.fr
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Received on Wed May 5 11:24:08 2004

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