[Fis] Measuring Realism[Fis] Measuring Realism
From: <kj04@chello.at>
Date: Tue 04 Jul 2006 - 18:12:28 CEST
Every word you write is correct.
We have the basic ideas about counting (measuring) since Neanderthal unchanged and exclusively
legitimate. Now maybe the time has risen to add another way of counting, where:
Either we have a simple measuring tape and then the things are complicated, or we have a
state-of-the-art measuring tape (which needs less training than, say, a mobile phone) and mesured by
means of that funny measurin�g atpe, the things can be classified, ordered, compared, explained
much-much easier.
The proposal is to take a look at a natural counting unit which is a bit more application-oriented
than the counting units defined in their basics by the Sumers and Assyrians and Hettites. Science
has advanced since then a bit. Maybe we can use a measuring tape that has differingly long units, if
we are up to the task.
Let us hope that we shall prove to be innovative.
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