At 03:55 AM 11/07/02, you wrote:
>You commented:
><Either information theory involves meaning, and has
><something useful to say about it, in which case it is a part of semiotics, to
><which we should probably turn attention, or it does not, in which case it is
>Yes, I think this is a key question for us. I would prefer to see our
>information theory remain as a promising orphan, in a nascent 'umbrella
>capable of shifting its shape across the sciences rather than as some
>notion within sub-specialities like semiotics, informatics, hermeneutics etc.
>I'm with Locke - let's take "a view of human knowledge in the whole extent
>of it."
>By semiotics I assume you are including all schools (including Saussurian)
>and their progeny. Obviously not all linguists would subsume meaning under
No, a lot presuppose it. My observation was premised on the need for getting
from information that is without meaning, or for which meaning is stipulated,
and hence non-explanatory about meaning, to an explanation of meaning.
Sausurian semiotics presupposes meaning, and does not really deal with semiosis
as such. I should have been more clear. My main concern was to express
the non-triviality of the problem, which I am glad that at least one person
also recognizes.
>If a (possibly non-Shannonist) information theory were to adopt 'meaning'
>does it head off for a semantic bushwalk (with Frege, Fodor, Dretske et al)?
>It might be more fruitful for our theory to explore a resonant concept like
>'abduction'(which has attracted Gregory Bateson, C S Pierce and the radical
>constructivists who have occasionally hovered over our conversations).
I agree with the last, wholeheartedly. I am not at all convinced it is enough,
or even on the right track ultimately, but definitely fruitful to explore.
Dr John Collier
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Adolf Lorenz Gasse 2 +432-242-32390-19
A-3422 Altenberg Austria Fax: 242-32390-4
Received on Thu Jul 11 10:26:15 2002
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