Re: structure & communication

From: allan combs <>
Date: Fri 13 Nov 1998 - 19:44:49 CET

Dear Pedro and others,

Your concern with fluid self-organizing systems interests me because of its
relevance to the mind-brain problem. The brain is an anatomical structure that
operates like a fluid self-organizing system, utilizing metabolic energy in a
neuro-electrical oscillatory expression, with the outcome being consciousness
experience as we know it, including thoughts, memories, emotions, and the like.
What could the dynamics of such a system look like?

Are you familiar with Walter Fontana's "AlChemy Project" in which Lisp-like
lambda-expressions interact in a kind of symbolic/chemical soup to produce
complex self-maintaining ecologies? See:

Does anyone have any thoughts about how this kind of process might relate to
the mind?

Received on Wed Nov 18 09:28:45 1998

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