RE: [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue?Classical and Quantum waves

RE: [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue?Classical and Quantum waves

From: Loet Leydesdorff <>
Date: Mon 05 Jun 2006 - 09:18:57 CEST

> One decisive difficulty with the quantum world is with its
> limited linguistic accessibility. If one dares to say
> something definite about the Q world in third person
> description in the present tense, this would come to imply
> something definite, whenever and wherever. This form of
> linguistic practice would inadvertently have to accept a
> space of an infinite extension, whether flat or curved.
> Eventually, the practice asking for a descriptive invariant
> would reluctantly have to surrender itself to denial of the Q
> world. Of course, the situation is not so pessimistic as it
> may look. Unicellular organisms constituting more than 90% of
> the biomass on the Earth may not be familiar with what
> Euclid, Newton and Einstein accomplished, but are superb
> dwellers in the Q world that have kept a long record of
> surviving the hardships.

Dear Koichiro and colleagues,

After brightly explaining that these universes emerge within a discourse,
you jump to a realistic conclusion in the last sentence: "Unicellular
organisms constituting more than 90% of the biomass on the Earth may not be
familiar with what Euclid, Newton and Einstein accomplished, but are superb
dwellers in the Q world that have kept a long record of surviving the

Shouldn't it be:

"... but can be considered as superb dwellers in the Q world that have kept
a long record of surviving the hardships."

By mixing the metaphor of biological evolution theory ("surviving") and the
metaphor of the Q world, you seem to reconstruct the synchronization that
you wished to avoid ?

With best wishes,


Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681 ;

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Received on Mon Jun 5 09:20:45 2006

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