Dear Loet,
When you write
> There is perhaps a bit of misunderstanding here. The information can be
> provided with meaning only by a system. The system then updates its
> information content. This system can be a cell, but also a psyche or an
> economy. In this case, the cell generates "meaningful information" or
> negentropy
> (Brillouin, 1962).
I agree with such position by the means of the systemic approach to
Meaning Generation as presented and discussed at FIS 2002
A brief reminder (with some new additionnal information):
- A system submitted to a constraint generates a meaningful information
(a meaning) when it receives an information that has a relation with the
- The content of the meaning is the relation existing between the
constraint and the received information.
- The meaning will be used by the system to satisfy the constraint.
Such approach allows to define a meaning, a Meaning Generator
System (MGS), and the domain of efficiency of a meaning
(for meaning transmission).
A MGS is to be looked at as a buildig block. Several/many MGSs
are interrelated in a living organism. (Entry point in short paper )
Application of this systemic approach needs identification of the
constraints of the systems.
For basic life, "stay alive " (individiual and species) should do it as
an overall constraint.
For human, constraints identification is more complex. Evolution has
introduced reflected consciousness and emotions. Using these elements
as starting points for identification of basic human constraints on an
evolutionist standpoint looks interesting (bottom up approach).
I am preparing a paper on this subject. First step in this direction
has been presented recently at Biosemiotics 3
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Received on Thu Oct 9 04:39:30 2003
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