RE: FORWARD Re: [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Lawsof nature? (fwd)

RE: FORWARD Re: [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Lawsof nature? (fwd)

From: Loet Leydesdorff <>
Date: Fri 27 Oct 2006 - 07:55:18 CEST

> SS: Concerning configurations, looking at the
> specification hierarchy:
> {physical dynamics {material connections {biological
> organization}}}, we must conclude that physical degrees of
> freedom must become increasingly frozen out as we ascend the
> hierarchy. However, new degrees of freedom open up at each
> level. These new degrees of freedom cannot be confined by
> physical laws, but could be said to become subject to new
> 'laws of matter', perhaps such as the purported 'laws of
> biology' cited by Richard (see below). In addition, the
> effects of historicity become increasingly important as we
> ascend the hierarchy, and here is where I meet Bob's
> perspective. I represent this as an increase in the effects
> of contingency as we ascend the hierarchy.

Beyond the biological, the psychological and the sociological take over by
introducing degrees of freedoms in the expectation. One can see that from
the bifurcation diagram for the logistic map and its anticipatory
equivalents below:




x(t+1) = a x(t) [1 - x(t)]

The psyche is modeled as a weakly anticipatory system using the incursive
equivalent of the logistic equation:

x(t+1) = a x(t) [1 - x(t+1)]

The social system as a strongly anticipatory one using a hyperincursive

x(t) = a x(t+1) [1 - x(t+1)}

Since this equation is quadratic, one obtains two solutions at each time
step. By taking turns (in terms of the sign of the equation) the social
system develops a trajectory in real time within this field of

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With best wishes,



Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681
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