RE: FORWARD Re: [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Lawsof nature? (fwd)RE: FORWARD Re: [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Lawsof nature? (fwd)
From: Loet Leydesdorff <>
Date: Fri 27 Oct 2006 - 07:55:18 CEST
> SS: Concerning configurations, looking at the
Beyond the biological, the psychological and the sociological take over by
x(t+1) = a x(t) [1 - x(t)]
The psyche is modeled as a weakly anticipatory system using the incursive
x(t+1) = a x(t) [1 - x(t+1)]
The social system as a strongly anticipatory one using a hyperincursive
x(t) = a x(t+1) [1 - x(t+1)}
Since this equation is quadratic, one obtains two solutions at each time
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With best wishes,
Loet Leydesdorff
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