UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (9)

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Mon 02 Dec 2002 - 14:00:23 CET

After all, at the dawn of one conventional 3rd millennium - while
being examined the information about the increasing number of larger
local, regional and global problems that are generated by the blind
and deaf dynamics of civilizing processes, which are reaching crisis
point - I dare to consider not only necessary but indispensable to
answer first the following question: Is the prevailing civilization,
the so called Western one decorated with all kinds of ideologies,
still a viable one? The two possible answers seem to offer at least
two options.

In case this civilization were still considered a reliable one: What
humans should do from now onward in order to overcome the worst
crisis ever faced by humankind?

In case this civilization were considered not anymore workable: How
humans might start to build at once a new way forward for the human

Whatever could be the sensible alternative it seems proper to
recognize that after all the whole civilizing adventure has been
built essentially with two kinds of information: one is knowledge
attained through the discovery of the assumed causal interactions
that made possible the emergence and manifestation of the existent
reality; the other is the set of aims, purposes, objectives,
intentions,... formulated by decision makers who become engaged de
facto in inventing causal interactions for being designed,
implemented, modified for making them feasible and reliable enough,...

In the first case it appears clearly evident that the knowledge
acquired comprises those physical, chemical, biological,
psychological, social,... facts and/or events involved, which
happened along the lapses chosen for assuring a suitable
comprehension of achievements and failures of civilizing concerns.

In addition it is also indispensable to recognize that until today
what prevails in the civilizational dynamics is the use of humans as
resources (slaves, serfs, servants, lackeys, soldiers, workers,
employees,... being included also researchers, experts and scholars)
who are forced or invited compulsively to maintain the trends of the
prevailing civilisation.

Therefore as nothing can be changed in the past of the whole
civilization, but everything can be done for learning how to make
feasible the assumption that other human world (homosphere) - a
humane one - is possible it becomes suitable to conceive ways for the
invention of other causal interactions bearing in mind what Ludwig
von Bertalanffy expressed in the 1960s.

"What is badly needed is a timely image of man. Since the previous
proud image derived from religion and philosophy does not serve
modern needs efficiently, a new image should be synthesized....I
would contend that this is a very important business indeed -- to
find out what actually is human."

"But what we need are not some hypothetical mechanisms better to
explain some aberrations of the behaviour of the laboratory rat; what
we need is a new conception of man."

"The image of man is not only a theoretical question, it is a
question of the preservation of man as human."

Consequently, in my view it seems evident that the main challenge for
FIS would be to identify how to invent causal interactions that may
allow to approach scientifically, therefore humanely, the needs of:

Comprehending what our homosphere, biosphere and ecosphere should be.

Making consistent the human concerns with the planetary possibilities.

Helping every human to recognize why humans must behave humanely

Learning how human affairs should be determined according to ethical,
ethological and ecological criteria

Searching congruously how humans should play a responsible role on
every terrestrial environment

Grasping how humans might take care consciously of evolutionary forces

Received on Mon Dec 2 14:23:38 2002

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