AW: [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos

From: Karl Javorszky <>
Date: Thu 27 May 2004 - 12:36:08 CEST

A small suggestion for discussion:
When order and other concepts are defined in a quantitative way (how
much is it?)
and relative way (which one has more chaos?), very simple examples
should be given.

Very simple example:

take a set of n objects. Investigate the collection of symbols on a most
usual fragmentational state.
Linearise the objects.
Count, how many have a place with tension in the extent of: a) no, b) unit,
c) multiples of unit.
This measure has a distribution.
Call the range where measure minimal (where the objects fit to their places
nicely / most) as "ordered". Call other ranges "less ordered".


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: []Im
Auftrag von Shu-Kun Lin
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2004 16:10
An: Michel Petitjean;
Betreff: Re: [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos

Michel Petitjean wrote:

>To: <>
>Subject: [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos
>Dear FISers,
>I would like to outline the excellent remarks of Jerry LR Chandler:
>>the terms "order" and "disorder" are not opposites in the
>>mathematical sense
>>Set theory is one foundation of mathematics. An abstract concept of order
>>enters set theory via the "well - ordered axiom." One expression of this
>>axiom ( Stoll, Set Theory and Logic, 1961) states:
>>"a well ordered set is a partially ordered set such that each non-empty
>>subset has a least or first element."
>Partial ordering and total ordering are well known
>concepts in set theory. In fact the transitive (but non symmetric)
>relation of order between elements is a basic concept.
>So, in this sense, there is no ambiguity about what is order.
>Now, except negating order, disorder is not defined.
>But it seems to me that many authors working with concepts of disorder
>or chaos, are not working with the well known definition issued
>from set theory.
>In the context of the FIS session about Information/Entropy,
>my question would have been rather:
>which definitions for disorder/chaos ?
>Pertinent replies were posted by Devin, Gyorgy, Robert, Loet,
>and Stan.
>An other way to discuss about order/disorder/chaos is to look
>to what could be their maximum/minimum, if any. Coming back to
>set theory, we could see that "well ordered" and "totally ordered"
>are different criteria: the experimentalist has to clarify in his
>mind what are his needs. If the actual concepts of order in set
>theory suffice, it is OK. If not, we have to elaborate definitions
>from properties, these latter depending on the local area in which
>we are working.
>I notice that the order concept in set theory falls in what I called
>the "static" case (no time) in a previous post, although it
>appeared from other postings that the time has to play a role
>in order/disorder/chaos. We move forward.
>Some minor questions:
>- are the measure(s) of order/disorder/chaos changed when the space unit is
changed ?
>- are the measure(s) of order/disorder/chaos changed when the time unit is
changed ?
>Other questions:
>- Processes: what relations between periodicity, aperiodicity, and
>order/disorder/chaos ? And what about ergodicity ? Equilibrium ? Randomness
>Michel Petitjean Email:
>Editor-in-Chief of Entropy
>1 rue Guy de la Brosse Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 48 57
>75005 Paris, France. FAX : +33 (0)1 44 27 68 14
>fis mailing list

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Received on Thu May 27 12:45:15 2004

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