Koichiro said:
>One likely outcome from this consensus of the physicist community is that
>if a quantum coherence is established, >by whatever means, the effective
>temperature can be very low. The M demon can take advantage of quantum
>>coherence as a means of living in both worlds, hot and cold,
>simultaneously. This must be a feat inconceivable in >the classical world
>alone. Spanning quantum coherence effectively at a low temperature and
>letting the once >cohered decohere effectively at a high temperature is
>the way of living on the part of the shrewd Maxwell demon. >This should be
>what enzymes in biology have been doing for long. Strange?
Insofar as the actual world where the enzymes appears to exist is a
warm one, I wonder where the cold world referred to here, where the
coherent aspect of the enzymes 'exists' is (? was).
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Received on Thu May 27 20:14:03 2004
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