[Fis] Heinz von foerster conference program

From: S�ren Brier <sbr.lpf@cbs.dk>
Date: Tue 23 Sep 2003 - 11:15:57 CEST

Dear all

It seems that my last mail was rejected, so I send you the program again
to all those that requested it.

Best wishes S�ren Brier
Copenhagen Business School
Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy 
Bl�g�rdsgade 23 B, 3. floor, room 326, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Telephone +45 38152208, mail sbr.lpf@cbs.dk .
Old home page with full text papers:
Ed. of Cybernetics & Human Knowing http://www.imprint-academic.com/C&HK  
Subscription sandra@imprint.co.uk
Speaker at the Heinz von Foerster conference 

fis mailing list

Received on Tue Sep 23 11:19:24 2003

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