[Fis] Heinz von foerster conference program

From: Søren Brier <sbr.lpf@cbs.dk>
Date: Tue 23 Sep 2003 - 11:15:57 CEST

Dear all

It seems that my last mail was rejected, so I send you the program again
to all those that requested it.

Best wishes Søren Brier
Copenhagen Business School
Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy 
Blågårdsgade 23 B, 3. floor, room 326, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Telephone +45 38152208, mail sbr.lpf@cbs.dk .
Old home page with full text papers:
Ed. of Cybernetics & Human Knowing http://www.imprint-academic.com/C&HK  
Subscription sandra@imprint.co.uk
Speaker at the Heinz von Foerster conference 

fis mailing list

Received on Tue Sep 23 11:19:24 2003

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