Re: [FIS] Economic Networks

Re: [FIS] Economic Networks

From: Pedro Marijuan <>
Date: Fri 20 May 2005 - 12:31:47 CEST

Dear colleagues,

I will include a few responses (excuse me for the brevity)

When Stan mentions me (see below from his last message) he is referring to
a clonic Pedro, as I have never written such paragraphs. Presumably that is
an e-glib, I assume.

  At 00:13 20/05/2005, Stan wrote:
>For the record, Pedro, replying here to Aleks, confuses which hierarchy
>Aleks is referring to. This is quite commonly done -- so much so that I
>think it worthwhile to give some pointers.

About more interesting matters, I much appreciate the comments received,
both sympathetic and critical ones. The discussion is in a very strategic
juncture and I do not want to conduce to distractors. How we may
characterize in informational terms economic & ecological networks
together? Apart from the entropy discussion, important themes have just
surfaced: erdisciplinary metaphors, structure of 'levels', and the
Batesonian (plus Bertalanffy's & Wiener's) legacy of the golden 60's. I
think that in a deep way they all belong and interrelate with a bygone way
of thinking ---and a new way of thinking we must adumbrate perhaps
responding to an info-techno revolution that has not produced yet an
adequate science framework.

Apologies if I cannot enter into specifics and cannot properly respond
until next week --as usual I blame bureacracy, and my own inefficiency.

friendly regards

Received on Fri May 20 12:30:09 2005

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