In reply to Soren:
SB: It can be understood in many ways. she declares she is not a
Platonic but an Aristotelian. From my other readings this is only
partially true, I think, as she is also an evolutionary thinker. I
cannot find out if she subscribes to Aristotl's concept of active
reason (nus poieticos) that is a common intellect for al human as it
is the godlike reason behind nature too and if information is an actor
in itself doing things with it self and with other things. I often
perceive Edwina's information concept to be alive and with a
rudimentary mind that then develops as information organize material
structure to become cells and later nervous systems, but I am not
sure. We have had this debate a couple of times, and to me it get a
bit clearer every time.
Again this type of clarification is essensial to find out what the
point, advantages and shortcomings are in a paradigm of information as
the one Edwina is developing. I would like FIS and it conferences to
do that.
Edwina: I consider that the Aristotelian frame operates within
evolution, while the Platonic frame, with its Ideal Forms, is
incapable of evolution. Yes, I most certainly do agree with
Aristotle's 'nous poetikos', understanding it as the imaginative
capacity of all Mind (and not just human mind). Exactly as Soren
outlines, I posit a 'rudimentary mind that develops...etc." Yes,
Soren, you've understood what I've been, admittedly with muddled
explanations, been trying to say.
Søren Brier
Ed. of Cybernetics & Human Knowing
Received on Wed Dec 19 18:41:25 2001
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