Sorry about my previous message as it was illegal.

From: elohimjl <>
Date: Sun 08 Dec 2002 - 16:05:07 CET

>Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 08:09:01 +0100 (MET)
>From: Wolfgang Hofkirchner <>
>To: Multiple recipients of list FIS <>
>Subject: Re: some comments
>dear colleagues and friends,
>just a short remark to gyuri: maybe what you mention is not a
>problem but a case of impredicative definition introduced into our
>discussion by john c.?
>as christmas is approaching and i feel that we would like to come
>through our stuff before the end of this year, i think it's time to
>conclude our session and thank all who participated!

Dear colleagues

Once more I must apologize for not reading the announcement diffused
by Wolfgang last Thursday about the conclusion of the session. Due to
such a mistake I sent another message about my reflection on "UNITY
through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION" which in
fact is still at the very beginning because nobody disagreed but
neither any one agree, therefore I could not identify the diversity
of sensible arguments.

But I dare to ask:

Why my opinions were almost completely ignored?

I guess that the arguments that I managed to conceive for being
written afterwards, were generated in a large measure by the need I
have to clarify continuously better what could be the perverse
transcendence of reported information about causal interactions of
events happening in Latin American countries where the conditions of
most people are getting worse and worse while the imperial forces
supported by bribed elites provide information about very different
and even opposed causal interactions announced as being the route for
the progress of people and the development of the underdeveloped

Unfortunately the happenings in Russia, China, middle east Asia,
Africa,... seems to be quite a lot worst.

Should I instead of being increasingly disappointed about the
worldwide situation, encourage myself in learning first to comprehend
well enough how the social information about the Western culture,
which was born in Europe, is a sensible one?

Should I motivate myself to work according to recolonizing criteria
till realizing that the prevailing civilization is the only
alternative for humankind?

I will appreciate some of you might express some comments and even a
necessary and useful advice.



Received on Sun Dec 8 16:04:56 2002

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