don't want to look old and weary

don't want to look old and weary

From: adolfo bergeman <>
Date: Fri 17 Sep 2004 - 12:17:55 CEST


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named M. Geborand, who had amassed two mi~ll^i,o`nsin the manufacture of
coarse cloth, serges, and woollen galloons. Never in his whole life had M.
����I have saved your life. n-.ow get out of the scrape yourself."

-----Original Message-----
From: Evelina Hart []
To: jesus solimini; dewey gagney; irving shoup; alden loynd
Sent: Saturday, October, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: don't want to look old and weary

����He should have to bid farewell to that existence which was so good, so
pure, so radiant, to the respect of all, to hon,~or, to liberty.
Eight or nine years after the events narr'a'ted in the second part of this
story, people n'.oticed on the Boulevard du Temple, and in the regions of
the Chateau-d'Eau, a little boy eleven or twelve years of age, who would
have realized with tolerable accuracy that id.ea~^l of the gamin sketched
out above, if, with the laugh of his age on his lips, he had n~.ot had a
heart absolutely sombre and empty. This child was well muffled up in a pair
of man's trousers, but he did n_~ot get them from his father, and a
w-o,man's chemise, but he did n~_ot get it from his mother.
kn�faldenes 13kedeldragte 05 hjemmefryser bikse leddelingers
Received on Fri Sep 17 11:18:00 2004

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