Semiotics and abduction

From: Edwina Taborsky <>
Date: Wed 07 Aug 2002 - 15:22:02 CEST

In reply to John Holgate

It's minor, but the usual term is 'semiotician' rather than
'semiotist' (as used by JH)...but..who can say that it won't change.

However - I'm unclear why 'signification' is set up as a synonym for
'sign games'. Indeed, I have no idea what a sign game is.

(1)Then, John states that IF "so then signification (sign games) and
the abductive method rather than classical syllogistic (or Florido's
alethic) logic is our starting point. Alternatively , if 'information
science' is to be based on a theory of 'meaning' that's a whole new
ball game".

And also:
(2) Since Peirce redefined 'induction' away from the classical sense
a heuristic principle of signification it may be fruitful to explore
his six modes of abduction
(hunch/symptom/metaphor/clue/diagnosis/explanation). If we could make
a connection between
'abduction' in the biomedical domain and 'abductive triggers'
(surprise/novelty/anomaly) in phenomenology it could have considerable
explanatory power for a unifying theory.

And also:
(3)If we separate meaning from classical logic (exemplified in
Florido's concept of semantic information) as has occurred more or
less in postKantian phenomenology (Heidegger, Derrida, Peirce etc) we
are left with the admittedly vague function of abductive inference and
context-bound interest . Does it yield 'too little knowledge' for a
working methodology which would satisfy all 'four corners'of your

Let me comment, point by point.

(1) I'm not sure what signification=sign games means, so it's rather
difficult to comment on this. The signifying action is a process, made
up of at least three basic Relations. These relations establish
measurements, or 'organized links' within certain codes
(organizational patterns) of a mass of energy to another mass of
energy. By virtue of these relations, the mass is contextualized,
organized, 'held', so to speak in an existential reality in time and
space. THIS IS A LOGICAL PROCESS. The measurements or encoded actions
of organization must operate within a logic, a formal process. The
three relations are, in themselves, a logical process.
Indeed, the very basis of Peircean semiosis - is logic. Logic, to
Peirce, is another term for semiotics.

(2) Again, I'm not sure what you mean by defining induction away from
the classical sense to a 'heuristic principle of signification'. The
notion of induction as a means of establishing statistical probability
rather than necessary conclusions is 'classical'...and is Peircean.
Abduction is one of the three classical (Aristotelian and Peircean)
methods of 'finding knowledge', and is, as Soren points out, premissed
on the notion of chance and freedom. What's so special about abduction
in the biomedical domain?

(3) I think that it would help if you defined your understanding of
'meaning'. I don't see that meaning has ever separated itself from
logic A logic without meaning is illogical. How can you put Peirce
side by side with the phenomenologists such as Heidegger and (yuck)
Derrida?? The point of the Peircean semiotics/logic, is that it
enabled a meaningful world - and that is valid within all processes
whether physico-chemical, biological or socioconceptual. Recall that
the Peircean semiotic triad, its syllogism, has a major premiss, -
that is, a cohesive ground of continuity. That prevents the
interpretant (meaning) from being ONLY defined within current-time
contexts and insists that the interpretant's reality (its meaning)
exists within links to a cohesive history of interactions, and to a
set of links to very wide contexts - not just the immediate local

Edwina Taborsky
39 Jarvis St. #318
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1Z5
(416) 361.0898
Received on Wed Aug 7 15:22:55 2002

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