Re: [Fis] Physical InformationRe: [Fis] Physical Information
From: Rafael Capurro <>
Date: Sun 23 Jul 2006 - 17:47:52 CEST
Dear Jerry and all,
thanks for criticisms. Very shortly: exposing in a very simplified manner, the "two theories of
information" does not contradict, in my opinion, your theory of the emergence of several levels
of phenomena. It is "just" another more analytical (than genealogical) perspective. My
intention was to see how far the phenomenon of communication (as "message exchange") in
the complex human world *reflects* back into our theories and observations at the very *material*
level (and at the levels in between), instead of taking the usual path (from the bottom to the top).
What I wanted to say is, that the view of natural processes as communication processes is
non-aristotelian and modern (maybe post-modern).
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