From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
Date: Thu 16 Oct 2003 - 15:05:16 CEST

Dear Colleagues,

This is to remember to ALL, new and old fisers, that the rule of two
postings per week --or 3 for short messages-- is active, and has to be
upheld during the current session. In the next session it will belong to
the chairs, Jerry and Luis, to keep up the rule or to temporarily remove
it. (I was away during the recent transgression and could not warn

Below, I copy some portion of a previous moderation note, with some ad hoc
information for further new people inscribed in the list.



Parsimonious posting (moderate length, no more than two or three postings
per week) and slow responses are encouraged. Also, here we prefer bounded
discussions with moderators (currently we are running the post-vacational
part of a session on 'molecular recognition and molecular codes', with
Shu-Kun and Sergei as central invitees and myself as moderator). The next
focused discussion will run around the middle of October, on "Ecological
Economics and Information", moderated by Jerry Chandler and Luis Serra.

For the newcomers, some perusal at the fis home site
http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/ and at http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/mailings/
are very recommended.
Received on Thu Oct 16 14:41:41 2003

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