[Fis] Søren Brier, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School is defending his doctoral thesis: "Cybersemiotics - Why information is not enough!"[Fis] Søren Brier, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School is defending his doctoral thesis: "Cybersemiotics - Why information is not enough!"
From: Søren Brier <sbr.lpf@cbs.dk>
Date: Fri 10 Feb 2006 - 13:08:56 CET
Associated professor PhD, Søren Brier, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen
Business School is defending his doctoral thesis
"Cybersemiotics - Why information is not enough!"
A Trans-Disciplinary Approach to Information, Cognition and Communication Studies, through an
Integration of Niklas Luhmann's Communication Theory with C. S. Peirce's Semiotics.
What information, cognition, communication, intelligence and meaning are, is a very old philosophical
problem. But today these questions, since Shannon's information theory and Wiener's cybernetics, are
formulated in the trans-disciplinary context of computers, information systems, and ultimately the
Internet demanding a framework encompassing the complex area of information, cognition and
communication science. The current cognitive science information processing paradigm is criticized
from a phenomenological and ethological point of view as being an insufficient foundation of
information science because it lacks an evolutionary theory of embodied first person experience and
As a constructive alternative is formulated a new trans-disciplinary framework (Cybersemiotics). This
is based on an integration of a modernized version of Peirce's semiotics in the form of
biosemiotics, which is integrated with Luhmann's communicational systems theory. elements from
embodied cognitive semantics, ethology and language game theory are also used. The theory
development is embedded in an ongoing philosophy of "science" reflection on the
possibility of a non-reductionistic Transdisciplinarity. Opting for a transdisciplinary framework,
after ALL postulates a sort of unity of sciences at a metalevel distinguishing the natural and
social sciences as well has humanities from other symbolic generalized media such as politics, art
and religion.
Cybersemiotic provides a framework contributing to information and knowledge management systems
design as well as for a general theory of cognition and communication.
A long Danish and a shorter English summary can be read at cbs.dk <http://www.cbs.dk/forskning_viden/fakulteter_institutter_centre/institutter/oekonomi/lpf/menu/medarbejdere/menu/videnskabelige_medarbejdere/videnskabelige_medarbejdere/lektorer/soeren_brier>
Assessment Committee
Professor, Ole Fogh Kirkeby, CBS (Chairman)
Professor, Dick Baecker, Universit�t Witten/Herdecke
Professor, John Deely, University of St. Thomas, Houston
Official opponents
Professor, John Deely, University of St. Thomas, Houston
Professor, Dr.rer.soc. Dick Baecker, Universit�t Witten/Herdecke
Best Regards
Jens Aaris Thisted
Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Time and place:
6. March 2006
Time 13.00
Copenhagen Business School
Tuborg Lecture Hall 2.02
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
Click here <http://kort.krak.dk/ml/link.asp?id=6dec58ce2c814c72b135e56726eaa29c>
to see a map of the area.
Everyone is welcome to participate at the public defense. No registration is needed.
Arranged by:
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Cand. Scient. PhD in Philosophy of Science Søren Brier, holds a master in biology from University of
Copenhagen from 1979 and a PhD in philosophy of Science from Roskilde University (RUC). He has since
august 2003 been an associate professor in the department for Management, Politics and Philosophy.
He is the founder and ed. in chief of the interdisciplinary quarterly journal Cybernetics & Human
Knowing, 1992- , co-founder of The International Association for Biosemiotic Studies in 2005, a
trustee for the American Society for Cybernetics. member of the board for the Sociocybernetics Group
(ISA) and Foundation of Information Science (FIS)group. He is on the editorial board of Systems
Research and Behavioral Science, J. of Biosemiotic and TripleC (Cognition, Communication and
Home page with CV, publication list and full text electronic articles can be found here <http://www.cbs.dk/staff/soeren_brier> .
Venlig hilsen / Best wishes
Søren Brier
Copenhagen Business School , Management, Politics and Philosophy, Porcel�nshaven 18 A , DK-2000
Office-phone +45 3815 2208 Cell 28564282
Ed. in Chief of Cybernetics & Human Knowing : home page:
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