[Fis] FIS--nature of complexity[Fis] FIS--nature of complexity
From: by way of Pedro Marijuan <tedgoranson@mac.com>
Date: Mon 18 Dec 2006 - 16:37:14 CET
Let me provide my entry in this very interesting kickoff. Wondering about
A reminder of where I am coming from: I believe that we will soon begin
I say this, Joe, so you know where I am coming from, and why I chose to
Joe suggests that we look at what we mean by complexity, and he suggests
Rather than speculate on whether these are "they ways things are," I would
So if we were going to invent a new science. And it was going to apply at
And it was going to apply to synthetic systems as well as natural systems
And it was going to make sense "inside" a system as well as outside a
Given all that (which I suppose to be the FIS agenda) what would the notion
I suppose it wouldn't be quantitative in its most natural form. I suppose
I further suppose that hierarchies could be found but only by interpretive
And here is a speculation I have made before here: I suppose that there is
And another speculation: why should the mechanics of the model be separate
Just wondering. Complexity is a good place to start in my mind, I repeat.
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